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Olórun and Odùdúwà, Olófin Òrun and Olófin Aye:

Olórun and Odùdúwà, Olófin Òrun and Olófin Aye:

Olófin means: Lawmaker or dictator of laws. A paradigm in modernism today is comparable to a Supreme Judge ('' '), so that you have a reference in some way.

In the beginning this role was granted by Olórun to Odùdúwà after the humans were making communities, towns and villages, he is the younger brother of Òbàtàlá, the first to descend from the 401+ Irunmoles who was also the husband of Ninibínini (first human being created by Olodumare, who was a woman) to perform the most genuine and natural act that exists, that of reproduction and thus populate the earth. It is also said that it was the First Aláàfin de Oyo (“”)

In Òyèkú Logbé Ifa says:

Pàá l’àkusá ng bo
Oodun ogede ni oga ya paara-paara bi aso dia fún Olodumare Ni’jo n gbe Ninibinini bo wa ye ....


A rag does not tear easily
A fresh banana leaf does not break like cloth, Olodumare declared when transporting Ninibinini to the world ...

Olódùmarè is: Olófin Òrun giver of laws in heaven and Odùdúwá is: Olofin Aye giver of laws on earth. When someone states that he received Olófin he is receiving Odùdúwá really because Olódùmarè or Olórun cannot be received, he is not the object of direct worship, he is only invoked.

Therefore no one can possess Olódùmarè or Olórun. Within this at the end are those who start in Ifá with what they call Olofin, which is not Olódùmarè who is present, nor is Odù, nor is Odùdúwá started only with Òrìsà Odù

The diaspora does not have this well defined, in fact, what they call Olófin is Olódùmarè and not Odùdúwá, note that in fact they receive both separately as if Olófin were Olódúmare and Odùdúwa another Òrìsà. It's wrong, they can only receive Odùdúwa

And another negative point that derives from this misinterpretation is that all initiates without Odù are called by the Yorubas, Áwo Elégán (but this is another story) in what I spoke in a previous article. In the end everything is the product of a spring of consequences caused by the misinterpretations of theology and its historical practices!

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